
My names Dominic Jaworenko.

About Midnight Harvest

I’ve been an Agricultural Equipment Technician for 12 years now. I’ve decided to start this company through my corporation to give my full dedication and time to my loyal customers. This company is about being of absolute value to the customer and listening to what THEY want with a fair exchange of value in return. I do not believe in trying to get the most out of a customer but instead, cutting deals with customers and dealing in volume. I believe in earning the day and that is what this company is all about.

Work Ethic of Midnight Harvest

I know that farmers need to harvest' NOW as there are tight windows with weather and harvesting. I wake up at 4 every morning and start my day early so I’m ready and prepared to be at your farm to get the most out of the day and be ready for the next customer that needs help. I learnt to work hard through colleagues and friends throughout the years, but nothing has taught me better than mountains themselves. Below is a picture of me on top of Pico De Orizaba in Mexico. Waking up for a summit push has taught me that the earlier you wake up and start your day the better your rate of success is. I hope to pass what mountaineering has taught me onto future employees. My love for mountains has motivated me to work harder in all aspects of my life.